Home dental care • Toothpaste

  • Fluoride toothpaste at 1450 ppm helps prevent tooth decay. Correct dental use of fluoride in very small amounts is harmless and for the individual only constitutes a small part of the total daily fluoride intake (drinking water and certain foods). Fluoride is a completely different chemical substance than “fluorinated substances” that possess negative properties.
  • Srontium acetate blocks the neck of the tooth and relieves frostbite, e.g. Sensodyne Rapid
  • Potassium nitrate (PN) calms the nerve and strengthens enamel against erosions, e.g. Sensodyne Pro Enamel
  • NovaMin forms a repairing layer on the neck of the tooth and relieves frostbite, e.g. Sensodyne – Repair & Protect
  • Triclosan helps prevent gingivitis. Debate at this time of the long-term side effects.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)  provides a foaming effect. Side effects can be mucous membrane irritation / allergy / blisters. If you have this, you can switch to a toothpaste without foaming agent, e.g. Zendium and Sensodyne.
  • Duraphat toothpaste is on prescription and has extra fluoride in it. This is given if you tend to have many cavities, e.g. due to dry mouth from your medication or are undergoing cancer treatment. The package insert must be read and adhered to.
  • Black charcoal in mouthwash, toothpaste and whitening toothpaste: Charcoal as an alleged active ingredient is marketed as having an antimicrobial effect, cures caries, periodontitis, bad breath, remineralizes and whitens teeth. 8% of the products contain components with a proven effect (cetylpyridinium chloride or chlorhexidine). There is no documentation that charcoal has the claimed therapeutic or cosmetic effect, there is no available information about grain size, abrasiveness and side effects (Tandlægebladet 3/2020).

Patient info from Colgate, Sensodyne and Zendium can be retrieved online.

Source: Sensodyne