As a member of Sygeforsikringen “Danmark”, you can get subsidies for your dental treatments depending on which group you are registered in. You get more subsidies if you have been a member for more than 5 years.
If you are 18-25 years old, they give more in subsidies and their slogan is “100% in subsidies for dental check-ups and teeth cleaning”. Read more on their website.
You don’t need to send in your bill, we do that automatically for you when your bill is paid. Our estimate calculates an expected grant, but we have no responsibility for Denmark’s actual grant to you. You must check yourself that you have informed us of membership and the correct group, as this does not happen automatically. You must also check yourself that subsidies are paid to you.
If you are not a member yet, or if you are already a member but are considering changing groups, you can read more here: Health insurance “Danmark”
Examples of subsidies from Denmark
The health insurance “Danmark” provides subsidies for regular check-ups and cleaning, periodontitis cleaning, anesthesia, X-ray, periodontitis surgery, implant surgery, implant screws, abutments/pressure locks and the implant crown/bridge/prosthesis, etc.